Teaching leadership and virtue to our boys


Assist parents in the formation of their children to know and love Jesus Christ, and to develop their skills and talents so that they can positively impact their environment and society.

Club Goals

  • Knowledge of and growth in human virtues
  • Growth in piety and friendship with Jesus
  • Development of specific gifts and talents
  • New and lasting friendships

Who should participate?

Dads and their sons, elementary and junior high age. Dads are encouraged and expected to participate and enrich the club’s program with their initiative and expertise.

What does the club do?

Each club meeting is centered around a virtue. The day includes a talk for the kids explaining what the virtue is and how to put it into practice. There is also a talk for the fathers, which reviews the virtue and gives suggestions of how to help our sons grow in this particular virtue.

A priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei is normally available for confession and spiritual direction for both kids and fathers.

Schedule of Actitivies

September 23, 2023

Arbolado Park

You should be a man who finishes tasks.

October 28, 2023

USS Hornet

You should be a man who puts God first in his life.

November 19, 2023

Arbolado Park

You should be a man who knows the value of money.

December 23, 2023

Christmas Carols

You should be a man who prays.

February 2-4, 2024

Ski Trip

You should be a man who respects girls.

February 24, 2024


You should be a man who goes to confession.

March 23, 2024

Arbolado Park

You should be a man who serves others.

April 27, 2024

Rowing @ Lafayette Reservoir

You should be a man who studies seriously.

May 25, 2024

Garber BBQ

Interested in participating?

Please sign up if you are interested in participating in the club's activities. We are asking for a contribution of $50 per family to help defray the cost of snacks and running the club. You are welcome to attend the first meeting without paying if you want to try it out, but please bring cash, check or venmo in case you decide to sign up!

Sign up